Building for MacOS

Attention! A positive result is guaranteed only if the building instructions are strictly followed. Read each point carefully and strictly follow the instructions. If you do not follow any of the points of these instructions and the project is not builded, then it is entirely your fault.

  1. Install Xcode from AppStore.

  2. Execute command in terminal: xcode-select –install

  3. Open Xcode and agree to install additional components.

  4. Install brew.

  5. Install packages in brew:
    brew install cmake
    brew install autoconf
    brew install autoconf-archive
    brew install automake
    brew install nasm
    brew install pkg-config
    brew install wget
    brew install curl
    brew install ninja
    brew install libtool

  6. Install QtCreator.

  7. Download and install vcpkg4aspia (forked from Microsoft repository). To do this, go to the directory where you want to install and run the commands:
    git clone
    cd vcpkg4aspia

  8. Install libraries in vcpkg. If you are building on an Intel-based version of MacOS for x86_64, then the installation command looks like:
    ./vcpkg install <library_name>:x64-osx

    If you are building on an ARM-based version of MacOS for ARM, then the installation command looks like:

    ./vcpkg install <library_name>:arm64-osx

    If you are building on an ARM-based version of MacOS for x86_64, then the installation command looks like:

    arch -arch x86_64 ./vcpkg install <library_name> --triplet=x64-osx --host-triplet=x64-osx

    List of libraries to install:


  9. Launch QtCreator

    9.1. Go to menu Edit -> Preferences…

    9.2. Go to Kits -> Qt Versions. Click the “Add” button and specify the path to file qmake (vcpkg4aspia\installed\x64-osx\tools\qt5\bin\qmake).

    9.3. Go to Kits -> Kits. Click the “Add” button.

    • In the Name field, enter vcpkg-aspia-x64.

    • In the Qt version field, select the Qt version that you added in the previous step.

    • In the CMake Configuration field, add variables -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET:STRING=x64-osx and -DQT_CREATOR_SKIP_VCPKG_SETUP:BOOL=ON.

    • In the Environment field, add variable VCPKG_ROOT_DIRECTORY=/users/user/vcpkg4aspia (replace the path with the real path to the vcpkg root directory).

    • In the Compiler field, specify the compiler for C and C++ (it should be an x64 or x86 compiler, depending on what architecture you are building the project for).

  10. Open the root CMakeLists.txt file of Aspia in QtCreator. When configuring, select the Kit that you added earlier (vcpkg-aspia-x64).

  11. Build the project.
  • © 2016-2024 Dmitry Chapyshev